Which Ayurveda treatment programme is right for me?
With my offer of various Ayurveda treatment programmes, I would like to inspire you to create a space of physical and mental regeneration and healing for yourself, where I accompany you on your path to inner balance, reconnection to yourself and self-efficacy in relation to your holistic health of body and mind.
Trust in the healing wisdom of Ayurveda and benefit from effective techniques that have a deep and long-lasting effect on the body's tissues. A wide variety of therapeutic procedures initiate an intensive cleansing process that permanently changes the body's condition.
You will experience the longest and most intensive of all Ayurveda programmes during a Panchakarma treatment.
Under the guidance of a naturopath, effective treatments are used to release blockages, alleviate pain and clear your body emotionally.
Choose medical Ayurveda treatment programmes to
- Relieve pain and heal your musculoskeletal system
- improve health problems such as high blood pressure under the guidance of a naturopath
- clear your body emotionally.
Your everyday life is characterised by stress, your thoughts keep spinning and you can't sleep? Then it's time for an Ayurveda regeneration treatment that will revitalise and rejuvenate you in the long term.
Find your emotional centre with special anti-stress treatments and establish sustainable resilience. Recover from illness, strengthen your immune system and regenerate your body, mind and soul. When your physical and mental energy stores are replenished, you will feel at ease.
Choose regenerative treatment programmes to:
- alleviate stress and fatigue and build resilience
- recover from illnesses such as Long Covid
- replenish your energy stores and heal your body
- bring you into balance during the menopause.
Letting go of ballast and thereby strengthening your health is the goal of a Langhana detox programme. You will experience a deep cleansing, toxins and metabolic residues will be eliminated. Detoxification strengthens your immune system and alleviates joint and back pain as well as states of fatigue.
The treatment programme helps you to permanently improve your lifestyle, lose weight and reduce stress in the long term. Enjoy your new sense of life.
Choose a Langhana detox programme to:
- strengthen your immune system
- alleviate joint and back pain
- relieve your gut and build up healthy gut flora.
Allow yourself conscious time-outs from your busy everyday life and join me in peaceful retreats where your own needs come first. This will provide you with the foundation for a healthy life.
My aim during an Ayurveda and yoga retreat is to support you on the path to holistic balance and physical and mental regeneration in order to sustainably increase your well-being and regain your strength.
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