Ayurveda Medicine
The term Ayurveda comes from the Indian Sanskrit and is composed of the words Ayus (life) and Veda (knowledge). Ayurveda translates as the doctrine of a healthy, long and happy life. This "doctrine of healthy living" and the "art of healing" has the status of traditional medicine and university character, especially in the indian world. Ayurveda was first written down in the Vedas, the oldest traditional scriptures of mankind. This traditional art of healing has been used in India for over 5,000 years and is taught there as a medical course at universities.
Ayurveda looks at human health and illness from a holistic perspective, which serves to maintain health and helps the ill person to regain it. The traditional art of healing always focuses on the person in the context of his or her life and applies a holistic perspective to health issues. Ayurveda combines medical knowledge, psychology and spirituality into a holistic approach to human health.
Just as diet in Ayurveda plays a major role, in which a variety of foods are evaluated in terms of their effect on the body - the focus is equally on inner purification, both in everyday routines and in therapy. This is why Ayurveda has highly effective treatment and cleansing methods, panchakarma and a mature herbal medicine.
the ayurvedic constitution - your key to health
The Ayurvedic art of healing assumes that everything is composed of the universal elements earth, water, fire, air and ether and that each element is combined in different proportions. Accordingly, the three active principles in Ayurveda, the doshas, also arise from elements.
Basically, Ayurveda distinguishes between 3 doshas, each of which combines the properties of the different elements in different proportions:



is composed of air and ether and stands for the principle of movement
is dominated by fire and water and represents metabolism
is dominated by water and earth and stands for stability and structure in the body
The 3 Doshas - Vata, Pitta, Kapha
In Ayurvedic medicine your constitution is defined by the composition of the 3 doshas, Vata, Pitta and Kapha. This composition varies from person to person and is individually different. The individual expression results in your Ayurvedic constitution type.
All 3 doshas circulate in the body and influence your overall physical and mental wellbeing, health, temperament, likes, dislikes, what foods you tolerate and how your metabolism functions. The strength of each doshas is supported by lifestyle, food and habits. External influences such as temperatures and seasons also affect your constitution.
Knowing your Ayurvedic constitutional type is therefore essential for establishing your natural balance. It tells you which things get out of balance faster and what you can do to feel completely comfortable in your skin.
Ideally, all three doshas are in balance. Knowing your Ayurvedic constitutive type is the precondition for establishing or maintaining your individual balance. Long-term imbalances lead to disturbances in the interaction of the doshas. In a normal state they support the physiological processes in the body positively. If they are out of balance, however, they cause various pathological processes.
I will be glad to accompany you on your way!
Mindfulness, self-care and resilience have become particularly important topics these days and we can and must take care of our own health and healing and "be good to ourselves" - but how and where to start?
In Ayurvedic medicine, the individual strengthening of these factors with the help of healthy nutrition, a balanced lifestyle and effective medicinal plants has a tradition that goes back thousands of years - and is therefore more timeless and up-to-date than ever before! In most cases, one's life does not have to be completely turned upside down - a few changes often bring about great changes!
In my practice I offer holistic Ayurvedic therapeutic support to restore your health, awaken new life energy and sustainably increase your well-being. Treatment focuses are for example:
- symptoms of stress
- Fatigue
- chronic illnesses or
- diseases of the musculoskeletal system
- diseases of the digestive system or
- diseases of the skin
- desire to have children
- during pregnancy
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