Rasayana Classic cure programme
A Rasayana Classic cure programme offers a wonderful opportunity to activate the body's own self-healing powers. With the help of gentle therapies, the doshas are brought back into balance and digestion and metabolism (agni) are strengthened.
A Rasayana Classic cure programme stimulates a deep regeneration process in body, mind and soul and helps you to regain your balance. The revitalising Ayurvedic therapies stimulate the balance between the three doshas Vata, Pitta and Kapha and the digestive power (Agni) is strengthened. The nervous system and organs are harmonised and can regenerate. Energy returns to the body and the body's immune system, inner balance and well-being are restored.
When is a Rasayana Classic cure programme recommended?
- in case of fatigue and vegetative disorders
- Burn-Out
- digestive complaints
- in case of a weak immune system
- sleep disorders
- for the regeneration of skin problems
- Anti-ageing
- desire to have children
- health improvement for older people
- for support during and strengthening after conventional medical therapies and rehabilitation
3 to 10 days
balancing and tissue-regenerating Ayurvedic therapies, embedded in holistic counselling and care.
for people who are looking not only for physical regeneration, but also for an inner clarification process.
- in-depth initial consultation and final discussion
- daily in-person consultations and counselling
- individual Ayurveda massages and oil treatments with selected oils and herbs
- manual therapies and special treatments, individually tailored to your needs, such as
- Padabhyanga - ayurvedic foot massage
- Abhyanga - full body oil massage
- Shirodhara - forehead pouring with warm oil; alternatively: Mukabhyanga-Lepa - facial treatment
- Kalari - dynamic full body massage according to South Indian tradition; alternatively: Ayurvedic partial body massage (abdomen, head, back)
- Gharshana - ayurvedic silk glove massage
- Svedana - Steam treatment
- yoga and meditation
The average cost is around 299 euros per day of treatment. This average amount may vary slightly upwards or downwards depending on the individual therapeutic treatment plan.
all year round, outpatient
There are various categories of accommodation in the immediate neighbourhood. I'm happy to send you a list.

Further medical Ayurveda cure programmes
Panchakarma cure programme
The highest discipline in traditional Ayurveda is a Panchakarma cure programme. It lasts from at least 14 days to several weeks. The intensive treatments and cleanses combined with a special diet and exercises from yoga and pranayama enable a very intensive, holistic process and a long-lasting "re-setting" is possible.
14 to 21 days and beyond
Health improvement
Restorative therapy
The 2- to 3-week Ayurveda treatment programme takes place under the medical supervision of an experienced naturopath and Ayurveda practitioner.
The medical services provided as part of the treatment programme are billed in accordance with the scale of fees for naturopaths. These can be reimbursed in full or in part by your private health insurance company or via your private supplementary insurance, depending on your insurance policy.

Svastha Ayurveda cure programme
The Svastha Ayurveda cure programme is designed for people with chronic illnesses such as back problems, sleep problems and arthrosis. Ayurvedic treatments and special therapies form the foundation of the programme. The aim is to integrate healthy eating habits and behaviour into everyday life. In addition, knowledge about the Ayurvedic approach to one's own illness is imparted. Tips on everyday life, nutritional advice and yoga, bodywork and posture training complete the programme.
6 to 10 days
gentle detoxification
Health improvement
The 6 to 10-day Svastha Ayurveda treatment programme takes place under the medical supervision of an experienced naturopath and Ayurveda practitioner.
The medical services provided as part of the treatment programme are billed in accordance with the scale of fees for naturopaths. These can be reimbursed in full or in part by your private health insurance company or via your private supplementary insurance, depending on your insurance policy.

Langhana Detox cure programme
Letting go of ballast and strengthening your health is the goal of a Langhana Detox cure programme. With a detox programme you experience gentle detoxification and relief. Toxins and metabolic residues are eliminated. Detoxification strengthens your immune system and alleviates joint and back pain as well as states of fatigue.
The treatment programme helps you to permanently improve your lifestyle, lose weight and reduce stress in the long term. Enjoy your new sense of life.
6 to 10 days
Weight loss
Metabolic stimulation
Nutritional counselling
The 6 to 10-day Langhana detox programme takes place under the medical supervision of an experienced naturopath and Ayurveda practitioner.
The medical services provided as part of the treatment programme are billed in accordance with the scale of fees for naturopaths. These can be reimbursed in full or in part by your private health insurance company or via your private supplementary insurance, depending on your insurance policy.

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