T&C Terms and Conditions
Therapeutic forest bathing, Shinrin Yoku, time out in nature, forest therapy, wild herb seminars, herbalism, workshops, accompaniment
1. general information, scope of application
Die Kursleiterin für therapeutisches Waldbaden, Frau Doreen Palke (im Folgenden Kursleiterin genannt), führt therapeutische Waldbadenkurse gemäß diesen Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen (AGB) durch.
Die Kurse richten sich an Erwachsene und stehen allen Interessierten offen. Sie dienen der Entspannung, Erholung sowie der persönlichen Entwicklung. Sie ersetzen keine schulmedizinische Therapie oder den Besuch eines Arztes.
Mit der Beauftragung gelten diese Bedingungen vom Auftraggeber:in (im Folgenden Teilnehmer:in genannt) als angenommen. Abweichungen von diesen Bedingungen müssen schriftlich vereinbart werden. Abweichende Geschäftsbedingungen des oder der Teilnehmer:in gelten nicht, es sei denn, diesen wurde ausdrücklich schriftlich zugestimmt.
2. Registration
By registering, the participant(s) recognise(s) the T&Cs.
Course spots are allocated on the date of registration (which can be made either via the website www.doreenpalke.com or by telephone on 0176/ 28233183 or by email via doreen@doreenpalke.com) and receipt of payment. Registrations for therapeutic forest bathing courses are processed in the order in which they are received. In the case of last-minute registrations by telephone, the course leader must be informed of the name, address, e-mail and telephone number of the participant.
Nach Anmeldung online, per E-Mail oder telefonisch bestätigt die Kursleiterin die Anmeldung des oder der Teilnehmer:in per E-Mail und stellt weitere Informationen zu der Bezahlung der Kurskosten sowie die Wegbeschreibung und die Haftungsfreistellung zur Verfügung. Die Anmeldung ist mit Zahlungseingang der Kurskosten auf der von der Kursleiterin angegebenen Bankverbindung verbindlich.
For last-minute registrations, which are made from 4 days before the start of the course, a binding registration is also possible by telephone.
By registering, the participant also confirms that he or she feels mentally and physically healthy and is able to take part in the therapeutic forest bathing course. By registering, the participant also expressly declares that he or she has read and understood the Terms and Conditions.
The participant undertakes to inform the course instructor in advance of any health problems and possible allergies. Any emergency medication that may be required must be carried and the course instructor must be informed of the storage location (e.g. rucksack). The principle of self-care applies.
3. Dates
The date and location of the events are determined by the course instructor and accepted by the participant. Should forestry work, hunting or events of force majeure, e.g. after storms, make the event impossible at the planned location, the course instructor will inform the participants immediately after becoming aware of this, if possible at least 24 hours before the event. An alternative location or alternative dates will be communicated. This can be done by telephone or email.
The participant is responsible for travelling to and from the forest bathing event.
4. Offers, costs and terms of payment
The offers are subject to change without notice. The costs published and shown on the website are charged for all offers. All prices quoted are in EURO and are exempt from VAT.
The costs for the booked forest bathing course are paid in advance by bank transfer after the booking confirmation has been sent.
If you register at short notice and take part in a therapeutic forest bathing course, cash payment on site is possible in exceptional cases. The course instructor will issue a receipt for this.
5. Vouchers
Vouchers entitle the holder to take advantage of the relevant courses as advertised on the website at the times available, subject to the applicable conditions. Vouchers are paid for in advance and sent by post or email within 3 working days of receipt of payment. The booking is binding upon receipt of the booking confirmation from the course instructor.
If the participant does not show up for a booked appointment or has cancelled it less than one week before the start of the course, the voucher used for this course and the resulting entitlement to benefits expires without entitlement to compensation. Exceptions to this rule are possible under certain circumstances as a gesture of goodwill without legal entitlement.
A cash payment of the voucher or the payment of a remaining amount is excluded and the redemption period of the voucher used as a means of payment applies.
The vouchers can be redeemed within the statutory limitation period of three years and utilised until this period expires. This so-called redemption period starts on the day on which the voucher was issued.
A voucher is not personalised. If the therapeutic forest bathing courses are cancelled by the course instructor, any vouchers issued will expire.
6. Withdrawal/cancellation
A participant may cancel a booking at any time. The date of receipt of the cancellation notice by the course instructor is decisive. Cancellations must be submitted to the course instructor in writing, either via the contact form on the homepage, by email or by post. In the case of postal delivery, the date of receipt by the course instructor shall apply.
The course instructor makes use of the possibility to claim a lump-sum compensation according to § 651 i (3) BGB. This reads as follows:
Cancellation less than 1 week before the start of the course 100% of the course price
Exceptions to this regulation are possible under certain circumstances as a gesture of goodwill without legal entitlement.
The cancellation fee does not apply if a replacement participant is named or if the participant is rebooked for another course taking place within the next 12 months.
Furthermore, a cancellation fee will not be charged if a course cannot be held due to force majeure (weather conditions, inaccessibility of the tour route, illness of the course instructor). Any further claims are excluded.
Forest bathing also takes place in rainy or cold weather. Unstable weather does not entitle the participant to cancel.
7. Liability
Each participant is fully responsible for himself or herself and his or her actions during the therapeutic forest bathing course. He or she is responsible for any damage caused and indemnifies the course instructor against all liability claims. The instructor expressly excludes any liability for accidents or other damage (e.g. mental, physical or material damage).
The participant recognises the exclusion of liability of the course instructor for damages of any kind. The disclaimer will be provided to the participant with the booking confirmation. The disclaimer must be signed and handed over to the course instructor before the start of the course. This can either be done by e-mail or handed over in person before the start of the therapeutic forest bathing course.
Every participant in the forest bathing course uses the forest/nature at his or her own risk. The participant is responsible for all his or her own actions, and thus also in the event of an accident. This applies if the accident is an unfortunate coincidence, is the result of force majeure or is solely the result of the incorrect behaviour of the person involved in the accident and is therefore their own fault. The participant must take into account that it is difficult to walk on the paths in wet conditions.
Each participant is responsible for the supervision of his/her own private belongings.
It is expressly pointed out that therapeutic forest bathing courses are not a substitute for medical, psychiatric or psychotherapeutic treatment. Anyone who is ill or undergoing therapy must clarify with their doctor and/or therapist and with the course leader in good time whether they can take part in the event.
8. Cancellation of the event by the course instructor
Every therapeutic forest bathing course can be cancelled for important reasons. Important reasons include, in particular, weather conditions (thunderstorms, storms, persistent heavy rain) or the inaccessibility of the tour route. An illness of the course leader is also an important reason and can lead to the cancellation of the therapeutic forest bathing course. Cancellations must be made by telephone or e-mail, if possible up to 24 hours before the start of the course. The participant will be offered an alternative date by the course instructor. This can be done in writing, by telephone or by e-mail. If the participant agrees to this, the agreements made remain in place.
Paid course fees will be refunded immediately and in full if the participant does not wish to attend an alternative date. There is no further entitlement.
If the forest bathing course has to be cancelled during the course for good cause (e.g. due to a change in the weather, illness of a participant, etc.), no refund of course costs will be made.
9. Duration of the forest bathing courses
The times stated on this website, in advertising material or in booking confirmations for the duration of the therapeutic forest bathing courses are approximate. They may vary depending on the size of the group, the weather or other conditions in the forest and may be longer or shorter. This does not give rise to any claims on the part of the participants or any liability on the part of the course instructor. The instructor will make every effort to adhere to the specified durations as closely as possible.
10. Miscellaneous
Out of respect for the other participants, please arrive on time at the agreed meeting point. It is recommended to arrive 15 minutes before the start of the course. If a participant is late, the instructor will wait 10 minutes with the group. After this time, the participant loses the right to participate in the booked forest bathing course. In this case, there is no entitlement to a refund of the course costs.
Participants must ensure that they wear appropriate clothing, especially sturdy shoes. Rainwear should also be considered in the event of unstable weather.
The flora and fauna must be protected. Smoking is strictly prohibited in the forest. Violation of the smoking ban can lead to immediate exclusion from the therapeutic forest bathing course. A refund of course costs is excluded.
Instructions and decisions of the course instructor must be followed during the therapeutic forest bathing course. In the event of non-compliance, the participant may be excluded from the course. In this case, there is no entitlement to a refund of the course costs.
Das Mitnehmen von Kindern und Hunden ist bei den therapeutischen Waldbadenkursen nicht gestattet.
We leave the forest as we find it. Waste is taken away. When going to the toilet in the forest, paper tissues should be avoided as far as possible and buried in the ground if necessary.
11. Photos, video and audio recordings
By booking the service, the participant declares that he/she agrees to the publication of any photographs or film recordings made of him/her during the booked service.
The recordings can be used for the following purposes:
on the website www.doreenpalke.com or associated cooperation partners
in social media (e.g. Facebook, Instagram; without linking private profiles) by Doreen Palke
for advertising material by Doreen Palke (e.g. flyers, posters)
for journalistic purposes (press releases, newspaper reports
This consent can be revoked in writing at any time.
12. Severability clause
If individual parts of the Terms and Conditions are invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining parts.
13. Place of jurisdiction
The place of jurisdiction is Potsdam. The law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply.
14. Data protection
Personal data in connection with the therapeutic forest bathing course will be stored and automatically processed by the course instructor as necessary for the realisation of the course. Such data will not be passed on to third parties. All personal data transmitted to the course instructor and processed will be treated in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Data Protection Act. The data protection regulations are published on the website under data protection.7. analysis tools and advertising
7. analysis tools and advertising
7. analysis tools and advertising
0176 28233183
Int’l: +49 176 28233183
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