Ayurveda & Yoga Retreats

Experiencing Ayurveda and yoga retreats in extraordinary places has always inspired me - whether by the sea or a quiet retreat in the mountains.

With a programme tailored to your needs, you pave the way for a healthy life.

Allow yourself conscious time out from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and follow me to tranquil retreats where your own needs come first.

Reset. Rejuventate. Reconnect.


02 - 06 April 2025
Breitenteicher Mühle | Frauenhagen | Uckermark

Experience in this 5-day retreat in the Uckermark how Ayurveda accompanies you through your deep reboot for body, mind and heart and helps you to achieve mental and physical well-being. With a holistic programme of Ayurveda rituals, herbal medicine, daily yoga and meditation as well as hands-on workshops, you will be introduced in theory and practice to the wisdom of detoxing and cleansing - the principle of Shodaha. Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

During the retreats I will show you what is important in the nutritional approach during a cleanse and which spices and supportive medicinal plants are beneficial. You will also receive suggestions for a harmonious lifestyle and energising cleansing rituals that will support your detoxification process in the long term.

In addition to Ayurvedic detox meals, we will support the detoxification process with Ayurvedic remedies. Stimulating yoga and pranayama sessions will revitalise your metabolism. You will find inner peace and tranquillity in meditation, during a soothing massage and during the daily walks in unspoilt nature.

After the cleanse, you will feel yourself becoming more physically aware and fresh energy and vitality will return to your body.


Get inspiration and ideas about my offerings, Ayurveda lifestyle tips and be the first to know of upcoming events and retreats. Free of charge and unsubscribe at any time!

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0176 28233183

Int’l: +49 176 28233183

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Benzstr. 4

14482 Potsdam




© Doreen Palke 2024